Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.

New Moms: Need Labiaplasty After Pregnancy and Childbirth?

Oct 15, 2022 @ 10:35 AM — by Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.
Tagged with: Labiaplasty

Pregnancy and childbirth are miraculous times in a person’s life. Many people, however, remain unaware of all the physical changes that childbirth causes. Though you may have been prepared for the stretch marks and changes to your breasts, you may not have been ready for the changes to the size, shape, and symmetry of your labia.

If you’re experiencing unwanted changes to your labia, your OB-GYN may suggest Dr. Anya Kishinevsky serving Norwalk and Bridgeport, CT, for a labiaplasty procedure. Labiaplasty after pregnancy and childbirth can restore the appearance of your labia if they have become something you’re unhappy with.

Changes to Your Labia

After childbirth, many people report a difference in the appearance of their labia minora and labia majora, the folds of skin around the vaginal opening. The labia may become enlarged and the labia minora may stick out further than the labia majora, causing physical discomfort and emotional distress. While commonplace immediately following childbirth, the uncomfortable symptoms may carry on long after childbirth.

Consideration of labiaplasty should take place a few months after childbirth as the condition may resolve on its own; however, if your labia aren’t returning to a size that you’re comfortable with, you can speak to a plastic surgeon about scheduling this procedure.

Can You Describe the Labiaplasty Procedure?

The labiaplasty procedure restores the normal appearance of labia tissues. This may include liposuction to reduce the size of the labia majora or trimming the labia minora so that it lies flush with the labia majora.

Labiaplasty takes place under local or general anesthesia and can often be completed in about two hours, depending on your treatment plan. Once complete, patients can generally expect increased comfort and labia that look closer to how they did before pregnancy and childbirth.

What Is Recovering From Labiaplasty Like?

Recovery from any plastic surgery procedure is personal to each individual. In most cases, recovery from labiaplasty involves minimal pain. You may experience some swelling and soreness, but your plastic surgeon and nursing team will discuss how to gently care for the treatment site following surgery. In most cases, patients are back to their regular work schedules within one to two weeks and can resume sexual activity after about six weeks.

What to Look for When Selecting Your Plastic Surgeon

When choosing a plastic surgeon, you want someone like Dr. Anya Kishinevsky who is board certified, has completed years of specialized training, and has performed a number of labiaplasty procedures.

Not only can Dr. Kishinevsky perform gentle and precise labiaplasties, but she also provides patients with customized plans that take their desires for the appearance of their labia into consideration. She is confident she can lead your treatment and provide you with results that meet your goals.

Call Today to Discuss Your Suitability for Labiaplasty

Dr. Kishinevsky and her staff invite you to request a consultation to determine if a labiaplasty may help address your concerns. You can reach our Norwalk office by calling (203) 388-9919 and our Fairfield office by calling (203) 659-8105. You can also reach us by filling out our contact form.