Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.

Exploring Lower Facelift Techniques

Dec 14, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.
Tagged with: Facelift Plastic Surgery

In years past, facelift procedures were performed by tightening the skin, with no manipulation of the underlying bone structure. Regrettably, this resulted in an unnaturally taut appearance, sometimes referred to as a “windswept” look. Fortunately, developments in the field of cosmetic surgery have provided more advanced facelift methods that offer a more beautiful and natural outcome.

At our reconstructive plastic surgery practice in Fairfield, CT, Dr. Anya Kishinevsky provides a number of innovative cosmetic procedures. Here, we examine lower facelift techniques, and how Dr. Kishinevsky helps her patients achieve the appearance they desire.

About the Lower Facelift

In youth, the skin is full and smooth, and positioned high on the face. As the aging process ensues, the skin sags due to gravity and deflation of fat cells. The underlying tissues and muscles are also affected, resulting in a tired and aged appearance.

Patients who have excess fat or skin around the neck, drooping jowls, or a sagging appearance in the corners of the mouth are typically excellent candidates for a lower facelift procedure.

The lower facelift eliminates wrinkles around the mouth and tightens the skin around the neck and jaw. The result is a more youthful and smooth appearance around the lower third of the face. A lower facelift can be performed using a couple of different methods. Dr. Kishinevsky will choose the technique that is most appropriate for your specific situation and anatomy.

The S Facelift

Named after the S-shaped incision placed in front of the ear, the S lift facelift is often performed on patients between the ages of 30 and 50. After making the incision, Dr. Kishinevsky will work through the opening to tighten the muscles and underlying tissues. She will then remove excess skin and smooth the remaining skin.

The SMAS Facelift

The SMAS facelift is named after the underlying layer of facial tissues, or the superficial muscular aponeurotic system, which is located deep within the subcutaneous tissue.

During an SMAS facelift, this layer of tissues is tightened. In order to do this, a slightly longer incision must be made. Typically, this incision line will begin in the temple area, extending down and looping around the ear. The scar can be concealed within the hairline and by the face’s natural creases.

Combining a Lower Facelift with Other Procedures

While the S facelift and the SMAS facelift both improve the texture and appearance of the neck, either of these procedures can be combined with a neck lift.

Many patients choose to combine their facelift with a neck lift to maximize their results. A neck lift can be performed through a minimally invasive procedure, usually only requiring one small incision under the chin.

It should be noted that patients who desire more cheek or jaw definition may be better suited for a standard facelift procedure. A full facelift offers more comprehensive treatment and more dramatic overall results.

Learn More about Lower Facelift Procedures

If you are unhappy with sagging skin around your jaw line, chin, or neck, a lower facelift procedure may address your concerns and give you the aesthetic outcome you desire.

To determine if you are a candidate for this treatment, schedule a consultation with Dr. Kishinevsky. She can talk with you about your specific concerns and design a treatment plan to effectively achieve your cosmetic goals. You can contact us online anytime, or call our office at (203) 388-9919.