Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.

Ideal Candidates for Labiaplasty: What Patients Should Know

May 10, 2016 @ 10:04 AM — by Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.
Tagged with: Labiaplasty

Patients can put their trust in Dr. Anya Kishinevsky, a leading plastic surgeon and reconstructive surgeon who proudly serves the greater Darien area. She always addresses the needs of her patients with the utmost discreetness and straightforwardness so patients know what they can expect.

A number of women have asked about labiaplasty, which improves the appearance of a woman's genitals. Let's consider the overall candidacy for the surgery and what matters are taken into consideration.

About Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a surgery performed to improve the appearance of the skin and tissue of a woman's vaginal lips, particularly the labia minora. By adjusting the appearance of the labia, women can feel greater comfort and confidence in their appearance of their genitals.

General Candidacy

Good candidates for labiaplasty should be in good overall health. They should not suffer from any sorts of medical problems that would make surgery of any kind a potential health risk. During a full consultation, we will carefully assess patient wellness to ensure she is healthy to undergo the procedure.

Poor Candidates for Labiaplasty

Poor candidates for labiaplasty include:

A Question of Aesthetics

Aesthetics is one of the primary reasons that women decide to undergo labiaplasty. Common issues include labia minora that are very large, prominent, or perhaps uneven. The shape and size of the labia has led some women to feel unhappy with their appearance, which can make sex and intimacy very difficult and lead to major issues with body image. Labiaplasty can go a long way toward improving overall self-confidence and self-esteem.

A Question of Comfort

In addition to questions of aesthetics, labiaplasty can be performed in order to reduce discomfort or pain. In these cases, the size or prominence of the labia is such that it can be physically uncomfortable for women to go about day-to-day activities. This includes problems exercising, having intercourse, or when using tampons. By reducing labia size or altering the shape of the labia, a labiaplasty can alleviate this pain quite effectively.

Knowing the Risks and Benefits

As with any kind of surgery, it's crucially important that patients understand both the risks and the benefits of undergoing labiaplasty. By knowing the risks, patients can take all recommendations for pre-op and post-op care more seriously, which means a better chance of avoiding complications and achieving optimal results.

Realistic Expectations

It's very important that patients have realistic expectations about what a labiaplasty can achieve and what the recovery experience is like. This is why we go into great detail about this process during the consultation process, with a focus on healing and the long-term results once a patient has fully recovered.

Discussing Your Options with You

During the consultation process, we will take into account your surgical goals as well as your medial health, skin tone, and other factors to determine the best method of treatment for your needs. We will be sure to answer all questions and address all concerns to ensure that you get the treatment you need and achieve optimal results in the process.

Contact Dr. Anya Kishinevsky

For more information about your many options for aesthetic enhancement and treatment, be sure to contact our cosmetic and reconstructive surgery center today. Dr. Anya Kishinevsky and her team will help you make smart choices when it comes to your cosmetic treatment options.