Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.

Could Labiaplasty Be Right for You?

May 7, 2016 @ 03:56 PM — by Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.
Tagged with: Labiaplasty Labia Minora

Could Labiaplasty be Right for You?

Dr Anya Kishinevsky performs labiaplasty surgery with great skill and caring. With the renewed popularity of the Brazilian bikini wax as well as tight, curve-hugging yoga clothes, the vaginal area has once again become an aesthetic focus of the body. The long hair and relaxed aesthetic of the 70's has been replaced, especially in the younger generation, by a focus on grooming and eliminating body hair. The availability of images of the idealized body type has led many women to be concerned about the aesthetics of their labia. Some women have concern that elongated labia minora, or the inner "lips" of the genitals, are an aesthetic issue. When the labia minora project beyond the labia majora, both cosmetic and functional issues may arise.

Symptoms of Labial Excess

Some women experience discomfort when elongated labia minora get displaced with tampon insertion or intercourse. Sometimes there is ulceration or irritation from rubbing against clothing or zippers. Often excessively long labia minora can make exercise uncomfortable and exercise clothing embarrassing. Some women are concerned about being judged by their sexual partner. While normal labial development comes in many shapes and forms, many women can look and feel better with surgical reduction of the labial skin.
 I have been privileged to help many young ladies who were very uncomfortable about their labial development. While they led an active and healthy lifestyle, these patients feel limited by their clothing choices, often have to wear padding in their underwear, and feel discomfort with intercourse. My first step in the process is to examine patients and usually to reassure them that they are normal and healthy. There is no set standard for an aesthetic labia. If there is truly a significant elongation of the labia, whether from growth spurts, childbirth, trauma, or other causes, we discuss surgical options to make patients feel more comfortable. 

A Patient-Centered Approach to Labiaplasty

During the evaluation of a labiaplasty patient, we discuss the history of the problem as well as a full medical history of the patient. I always counsel smokers to quit one month before and one month after surgery to reduce the increased risk of major healing complications. The physical exam evaluates the extent of the problem, rules out any associated medical conditions, and allows for a discussion of the patient's needs and desires. We plan a custom-tailored approach to labiaplasty, trimming away the areas of greatest concern to the patient, leaving behind tiny, difficult to see scars. Some patients prefer to thin out a little excess skin around the clitoral hood so that nothing protrudes beyond the labia majora. Some prefer leaving a shorter scar by keeping the clitoral hood unchanged. We have before and after photos to help patients choose the procedure that is custom-designed to their needs. I always take the time to listen to and prioritize my patients' needs and goals for their surgery, above all other concerns. 
Labiaplasty surgery takes about two hours in the operating room. After a short stay in the recovery area, patients rest at home with a friend or family member for about a week. Return to work is within one to two weeks. As the swelling and bruising resolve, patients gradually resume exercise and intercourse. Patients are given pain medication and antibiotics for the first week post-op. We see patients on a weekly basis to ensure good healing. Satisfaction rates are very high.
To learn more about labiaplasty contact our office to arrange your complimentary consultation.