Understanding Labiaplasty Techniques By Anya Kishinevsky, M.D. on October 14, 2017

A woman in her underwear after labiaplastyThe signs of aging can affect every aspect of the body. For some women, aging can cause the labia to stretch, darken, thicken, or change in other ways, causing insecurity and discomfort. Many women who are unhappy with the appearance of their labias have turned to labiaplasty.

Labiaplasty is an effective way to improve the size and shape of the labia for enhanced comfort and confidence. Plastic surgeon Anya Kishinevsky offers a variety of labiaplasty techniques at her Fairfield, CT practice to address the unique needs of each patient. To find out which technique is right for you, please schedule a consultation. In the meantime, learn more about labiaplasty as we discuss some of the most common techniques used in this procedure.

What Is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty, or labial reduction, is a procedure used to remove excess tissue from the labia minora and improve the appearance of the vaginal area. A labiaplasty can address many of the changes a woman may notice in her labia as she ages. These changes can affect labial function, impact personal hygiene, or simply be an aesthetic issue. Some issues a labiaplasty can improve include:

  • Asymmetric labial folds
  • Excessive labial skin
  • Stretched labial tissue
  • Difficulty washing the vaginal area due to excessive labial tissue
  • Labial pain or soreness during exercise or intercourse
  • Regular discomfort or soreness of the labia due to elongated tissue

Labialplasty Techniques

There are multiple labiaplasty techniques that can address the unique needs of each patient. Regardless of the type of technique used, Dr. Kishinevsky uses general anesthesia or “twilight” sedation to ensure patient comfort during surgery. Patients are able to return home after a short in-office recovery, but will need to avoid strenuous activity for at least a week after surgery and intercourse should be avoided for about four weeks.

With that said, labiaplasty techniques may be used to improve labial symmetry, reduce the size of the labia, or improve the shape of the labia. The most common techniques used in labiaplasty include:

  • Wedge Technique: With the wedge technique, excess tissue is removed from the labia by cutting a wedge, or V shape, from the center of the labia. The tissues on each side of the incision are then pulled together and sutured close with dissolving sutures. Because a wedge is cut from the center of the labia, the wedge technique preserves the natural transition of the labia.
  • Trim Technique: With the trim technique, the excess tissue along the edge of the labia minora are trimmed, or cut, away to improve both shape and size. The trim technique is often beneficial for those who wish to eliminate dark, irregular, or thickened edges of the labia.
  • Modified Wedge Technique: The modified wedge technique was designed to improve upon the traditional wedge technique. With the modified wedge technique, a wedge of tissue is taken from the inner labia skin and another wedge is taken from the outer labia skin. This technique prevents horizontal scarring and instead hides the scar within the labial crease.

Is Labiaplasty Right for You?

For more information about labiaplasty, or to find out if you're a candidate, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kishinevsky.

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Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.

Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.

Board-certified surgeon Anya Kishinevsky believes in a completely personalized approach to plastic and reconstructive surgery. She holds several distinctions, has repeatedly been featured on Connecticut Magazine's list of Top Docs, and is a member of the:

  • American Board of Plastic Surgeons
  • American Medical Association
  • American Women's Medical Association

Learn for yourself why so many patients choose Dr. Kishinevsky for their care. Schedule a consultation at our Norwalk, CT, office online or call (203) 388-9919.

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