Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.

Liposuction Recovery

Jan 10, 2022 @ 10:56 AM — by Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.
Tagged with: Liposuction

Stubborn fat deposits can compromise body contours and make people feel self-conscious about their appearance. When fat fails to respond to diet and exercise efforts, liposuction can help people achieve their aesthetic goals. Liposuction eliminates unwanted pockets of fat for good to reveal a slimmer figure.

Liposuction has a proven record of safety and success, but it is still a surgical procedure, and patients should be prepared for the recovery period that follows. Here, plastic surgeon Anya Kishinevsky provides an overview of the typical liposuction recovery following treatment for patients from Norwalk, CT, Fairfield, CT, and surrounding areas.

What To Expect Immediately After Liposuction

Liposuction is generally performed as an outpatient procedure. Unless a patient is treating multiple areas of the body, they can expect to return home the day of their procedure. Patients will be observed for a brief period of time before being released to a loved one to be brought home. For most, the day of liposuction treatment patients will remain under some effects of anesthesia and pain medication, and will likely spend much of the first 24 hours of recovery sleeping or resting.

The First Few Days of Liposuction Recovery

As anesthesia wears off, patients will begin to notice the side effects of liposuction treatment. Although side effects should not be too severe, the first few days of recovery can be uncomfortable. Common side effects during this time include soreness, inflammation, and bruising. Patients will be prescribed pain medication to manage discomfort.

Treatment sites will be wrapped with elastic bandages or compression garments. These garments need to be worn exactly as directed for the first several weeks of liposuction recovery. Compression garments reduce inflammation and encourage the skin to heal and conform to the new body contours. Compression garments may restrict movements, but this is good, because patients should limit their activity during the early stage of liposuction recovery.

Weeks One and Two of Liposuction Recovery

Within a week or two following liposuction treatment, patients should notice a significant reduction in pain and soreness. Although bruising and inflammation will likely still linger, they should not be as severe as during the initial phase of recovery. Many of our Norwalk patients feel well enough to return to work by the end of their second week of liposuction recovery. To be safe, patients should continue to avoid strenuous activities.

Weeks Three to Five of Liposuction Recovery

Around one month after liposuction, most patients find that they are no longer dealing with any discomfort from treatment. Although some bruising and swelling may persist, it should have dissipated to the point that the initial results of treatment become apparent. Most people feel well enough to resume light exercise at this stage of recovery, but more strenuous activities should still be avoided.

Week Six and Beyond

Six weeks post-treatment, most patients are considered fully recovered from liposuction. Bruising should be gone at this point, as well as the majority of inflammation. At this stage of recovery, patients will probably be able to stop wearing compression garments and start enjoying their new body contours.

Contact Us

Liposuction targets stubborn fat deposits to reveal more pleasing body contours. If you are interested in finding out if liposuction can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Anya Kishinevsky. To get started, contact our plastic surgery practice online or call (203) 388-9919 at your earliest convenience.