Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.

Just a Little Tuck: Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery

Aug 10, 2016 @ 02:17 PM — by Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery

For patients who wish to achieve slimmer, more toned abdominal contours, plastic surgery offers a potentially ideal solution in the form of tummy tuck surgery. Clinically known as abdominoplasty, tummy tuck surgery allows patients to eliminate excess skin and fat from their abdominal regions while tightening the underlying musculature. The result is a tighter, firmer abdomen that is more proportional with the patient’s overall figure.

One of the biggest benefits of the tummy tuck procedure is that it can be customized to meet the needs of a wide range of patients, from those with minor abdominal bulging to those with large amounts of hanging skin and lingering deposits of fat around the entire abdominal region, including the flanks and the back. Whatever your particular needs, you can rest assured that experienced plastic surgeon Anya Kishinevsky will tailor your tummy tuck so that you are able to achieve precisely the body contouring results you desire.

Among the most popular variations on abdominoplasty available at Dr. Kishinevsky’s practice is the mini tummy tuck. During consultations at her Darien, CT and Fairfield, CT plastic surgery offices, she assesses patient’s needs, listening carefully to their aesthetic goals and reasons for wanting to undergo the procedure. She then advises them as to whether mini tummy tuck is the best surgical option in their particular cases.

Are you a good candidate for mini tummy tuck surgery? To find out, please schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Kishinevsky by contacting our plastic surgery practice today.

What Is Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Mini tummy tuck is a minimally invasive variation of conventional tummy tuck surgery. Generally, mini tummy tuck surgery deals only with tissues beneath the belly button and above the pubic region. Dr. Kishinevsky makes an incision in this area, removing excess skin and fat from the region and tightening the underlying muscles of the abdominal wall. After all necessary adjustments to the region have been made, she pulls the remaining skin taut and sutures the incision closed. If necessary, she places a drain in the incision site to help prevent swelling and a build-up of fluids during healing.

Are You A Good Candidate for Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery?

The results that can be achieved through mini tummy tuck surgery, while impressive, are not as dramatic as those that can be achieved through conventional tummy tuck surgery, let alone extended tummy tuck surgery. Therefore, the best candidates for the procedure are those who are at or near their ideal weight and are only beginning to experience sagging skin in the abdominal region, limited to the area beneath the navel. They will have appropriate expectations of the procedure, understanding that they will not be able to achieve the sort of transformation that is possible with conventional or extended tummy tuck. They must also be willing to follow all of Dr. Kishinevsky’s pre- and post-surgical instructions to the absolute letter in order to ensure the smoothest possible healing period and the best possible results.

Learn More about the Mini Tummy Tuck Procedure

To learn more about the mini tummy tuck procedure, please contact the plastic surgery practice of Dr. Anya Kishinevsky today.