Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.

The Key To A Natural-Looking Breast Augmentation

Mar 29, 2016 @ 03:07 PM — by Anya Kishinevsky, M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Breast Implants

Many women are eager to experience the boost in self confidence that breast augmentation delivers when properly done. It has been extremely gratifying to see the bright smiles of women who were previously afraid to wear a bikini or a strapless dress feeling wonderful about their new curves without looking obviously "done."


Personalized Care for a Custom-Tailored Breast Augmentation

  What makes patients nervous about going through with the surgery is fear of being pressured into a size that is too big, too obvious, or not right for their body. They may have had the unfortunate experience of a doctor who doesn't listen to their needs and adopts a "one size fits all approach" to surgery. This should never happen. Just like no two breasts are the same, patients are very different in their height, activity level, desired cup size, age, and so much more. Your plastic surgeon should spend time listening to your needs and getting to know your lifestyle prior to recommending the right implants for you. The needs of a new Mom to restore her body after several pregnancies will be different from the needs of a college student getting a fresh start in life, or those of a busy professional entering or considering a switch in the workforce.

What to Expect From Your Consultation

Your plastic surgeon should take the time to give you a full physical exam, including measurement of chest diameter, skin quality, and tissue quality. Based on your measurements, there is a narrow range of sizes and looks that will be right for you and will avoid looking "over-done." A plastic surgeon must make patients aware that an implant size that doesn't take a patient's proportions into account will end up with a subpar outcome. I always want to know what my patients' "ideal" result would be, so that we can be fully on the same page. I encourage patients to bring in photos of their favorite looks from magazines and other media. We then discuss a realistic approach to get them as close as possible to their ideal. 

Ensuring Your Safety During Breast Augmentation

Safety is the most important part of breast surgery, so we go above and beyond to use the safest, most reliable implants on the market. We will spend time discussing whether saline or silicone implants are right for your needs. At this time, silicone implants offer the most natural-looking results, with the lowest rates of leaks or rupture, but do require additional monitoring. Some patients prefer the hassle-free maintenance of saline implants and accept a slightly less natural appearance. In either case, you will make an informed decision that feels right to you. Our anesthetists are highly skilled and well-trained in caring for the unique needs of cosmetic surgery patients. They do not leave your side throughout the procedure. We will always ask about your family or personal history of breast cancer, and keep you informed of any issues that arise. I operate at fully accredited surgical centers with excellent staff caring for all your needs. We strongly encourage getting full medical clearance by your primary care doctor as well as a mammogram prior to any breast surgery. 

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation for Breast Augmentation

The key to looking and feeling your best with breast surgery is a well-informed patient and a great relationship with your plastic surgeon. Make sure that your needs are being met, and that you understand everything that will be happening, including the type and size of implant to be used, the location of the scar, and whether the implant will be placed above or below the pectoral muscle. When you have a great partnership with your doctor, amazing results happen. Contact our office to schedule your consultation.
Wishing everyone a great day.